Direct Climate Action

The Willem de Kooning Academy (WDKA) should become a Zoöp! Zoöp is an unique type of organization that places a strong emphasis on the well-being of all living things, both human and non-human. To achieve this, they have a representative for non-human life on their board who acts as an independent voice and observer for the interests and needs of non-human life: Speaker for the Living. This representative is delegated by the Zoönomic foundation, so that their advocacy is guided by professional expertise and knowledge. This approach is crucial to achieving a truly sustainable education for all living things. Just like the way we are being educated. This would involve fundamentally changing the purpose and use of the building, including its energy, water, and gas usage, to ensure a positive impact on both human and non-human life. 

New Earth 
Public event - Willem de Kooning Academy 01-23 

By organizing an event/open conversation, we planted the seed towards creating a sustainable and influential future for the Willem de Kooning Academy. The values outlined in this passage include equality between human and more-than-human life, collective work and mutual support, generosity and gratitude, trust, and the importance of multiple perspectives and ongoing learning in the development of a regenerative economy. Zoöps, or organizational bodies, actively seek collaborations and base their relationships on trust and shared values and visions.