Puck Ahrens – Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Design serves as a powerful tool for offering solutions and creating awareness, melding innovation with purpose.

Hi, I'm Puck Ahrens! 🚀 An energetic and innovative designer who merges the power of creativity with thoughtful concepts. My design approach focuses on using design as a powerful tool for change and awareness. I specialize in translating complex societal issues into accessible and innovative visual messages. By unraveling complexity and communicating essences visually, I aim not only to inform but also to inspire and motivate action.

Through my commitment to sustainability, I use design as a tool to improve the world. I do this by creating (interactive) experiences that encourage personal reflection and increase social awareness. My work is a fusion of innovation and experiments, aimed at challenging traditional design methods to initiate new insights and conversations. My ultimate goal is to have a positive impact on our society through thoughtful and conscious design solutions.

Let's dance, jump, play and let our creativity run wild! 🕺 

Hit me up

Visual Designer
Morrow, Rotterdam

Visual Design Intern
Morrow, Rotterdam

Creative Content Editor
Boomerang Future Talent

Graphic Design
Willem de Kooning Academy

MBO Styling, interieur
en vormgeving
Nimeto, Utrecht

Design Intern
Branding, Utrecht

Graphic Design / DTP
Branding, Utrecht

Junior design intern
Fier Media, Utrecht